AKTIVO Chemical Supplies

Cleaning Trade Sales & Service has been at the forefront of catering to the cleaning requirements of domestic, commercial, and industrial clients for nearly four decades. Our comprehensive selection of cleaning chemical supplies ensures a bespoke solution perfectly suited to meet your needs.

Among our main offerings are AKTIVO chemical supplies, a distinguished line of Australian-made and owned cleaning chemical products. Renowned for their effectiveness, AKTIVO prides itself on leveraging the most advanced global technologies to formulate high-performance dishwashing, laundry, kitchen, and coffee cleaning solutions.

Together, we’ll ensure your cleaning needs are met with the utmost efficiency and care.

We also offer high-performance equipment and specialised repair services. Our team stand firm in our commitment to excellence - from the quality of our cleaning supplies to the interactions we have with our customers - aiming always to surpass your expectations.

Do have a look at our range of AKTIVO chemical cleaning products.

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